Shaun is the GREATEST!
The redness has obviously gone down. Can I just say.... I LOVE MY TATTOO!
Julia: Not porno tongue. Church tongue. Robbie: [laughing] Church tongue, I like that. Wedding Singer
Shaun is the GREATEST!
The redness has obviously gone down. Can I just say.... I LOVE MY TATTOO!
Well, I can't say my life is all the exciting, but I am happy to have had as many bullet points as I did. Makes me feel somewhat accomplished. I can only hope that the next few months fly by and that I take a lot of the free time that I will have and direct it to this here blog. Wish me luck with my soon to be heartache and my battle against soda pop and wedding stress. 2011 was every possibility to be the very best ever!
It's an old fashioned stick up! Like I said, the girl loved her swords!
Haley and Kylers wicked cool costumes! Haleys mom never dissapoints in the costume department!
Tory and Haley. Tory went as the Beastie Boys in the Sabotage music video, he's missing his mustache here. Haley was ready to kill for sure!
Me and Dustin. He was "too cool" to dress up for the party, but lets be serious he's adorable so he didn't have to!
Just a small part of our party mess... it was crazy!
Shand and I. He went as a independent film producer... or a drunk, you decide! ha ha